VLAN Template – disables routing and allows for the maximum number of unicast MAC addresses.Access Template – optimizes the system resources to support a high number of Access Control Lists (ACLs).Default Template – balances system resources for all functions and is the default template configured in the device.These include the following switch SDM templates: SDM template types can be selected to provide maximum system usage depending on how the switch is used. Policy-based routing access control entries (ACEs) Overflow IGMP groups and multicast routes

These are standard values for Layer 2 and IPv4 features. The number may differ depending on the switch platform or software version used. The approximate number of resources available for each template is shown below. The switch SDM templates can be used to configure system resources based on how the switch is operated in the network to support particular functions or to balance system resource usage. A Cisco SDM Template pertains to the configuration templates that enhance the usage of a Cisco switch’s physical resources. Cisco switches use the Ternary Content Addressable Memory (TCAM) to store Layer 2 and 3 information for faster lookups, utilizing the Switching Database Manager (SDM) to manage TCAM memory utilization.