Bs 1377 part 4
Bs 1377 part 4

bs 1377 part 4

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  • The unit extrudes samples from 35 up to 150 mm (. For the abstracts of other Parts see IRRD nos 830334, 833196, 829737, 830335, 831838. Used for a smooth and rapid extrusion of soil samples from tubes also of thin walls with minimum disturbance. This Part also includes a method for assessing an empirical strength criterion (the california bearing ratio (CBR) value) of a compacted or undisturbed soil used as a subgrade material for pavement construction. This part of BS 1377 : 1990, describes methods of test for determining characteristics related to the compaction of soils, which can be used as a basis for specifying requirements for soils compacted in the field. It is now being revised in nine separate Parts. CBR-Test 50 Machine BS 1377, 1924 EN ASTM D1883 AASHTO T193 EL series. BS 1377 was first published in 1948 and first published in metric form in 1975. 4 Compaction and CBR 24 Moisture Condition Value (MCV) and Chalk Crushing. It is a revision of clause 4 of BS 1377 : 1975 which is superseded by amendment. This Part of BS 1377 has been prepared under the direction of the Engineering Standards Policy Committee.
  • BS 12390: Part 8: 2000 ASTM C 1202-09 BS EN 12390: Part 3: 2002 BS EN 12504: Part 1: 2000 BS 1377: Part 4: 1990: Test 3.5 & 3.6: and. MDD Vibrator BS 1377-4:1990 M4.2 Determination of Maximum & Minimum Density for Sand Material at Site - Vibrating Hammer Method Moisture Content (BS) BS 1377-2:1990 M3 Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes.

  • Bs 1377 part 4